During the course of the development of company's system, all the time general meetings of stockholders possess and wield the power of the appointment and the deposition of directors. 在公司制发展的过程中,公司股东会一直拥有和行使着选举和罢免董事的职权。
The procuratorial department law provides such provisions as general power of the minister of justice to command and supervise the prosecutor, appointment and removal of the prosecutor, safeguard of the status of the prosecutor, and etc. 检察厅法等还规定了法务大臣对检察官的一般性指挥监督权、检察官的任免、检察官的身份保障等制度。
Their administrative power includes issuance of licenses to beer houses, appointment of poverty relief supervisors and road inspectors, levying local revenue, and conducting important business transaction in the territory of shire. 行政上,他们负责的事项包括给啤酒屋颁发执照、任命济贫监督员和公路检查员、在所在郡内征收地方税和从事重要的郡内商业交易。